Танзанійські альбіноси, чиї тіла коштують дорожче золота (Фото)

Опубликованно 06.11.2017 00:29

Танзанійські альбіноси, чиї тіла коштують дорожче золота (Фото)

Фотограф Ерік Ляфорг задокументував трагічні історії танзанійських дітей-альбіносів, чия плоть, на думку чаклунів, приносить удачу. Ляфорг відвідав установа, кероване благодійною організацією Under the Same Sun. Там під цілодобовою охороною живуть діти-альбіноси. Їх випускають на вулицю тільки у супроводі охоронців. "В Танзанії тіла альбіносів на вагу золота. Чаклуни використовують частини їх тіл — носи, статеві органи, мови, пальці і вуха — для приготування зілля, які нібито приносять щастя", — розповідає Ляфорг. З 2000 року в країні було зареєстровано 76 вбивств альбіносів, хоча насправді їх відбулося набагато більше.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850c) Barakara Cosmas, a 6-year-old boy who is constantly smiling, has one of the most horrific stories. 17 suspects were arrested in connection with the mutilation of his hand including his father and his younger brother. They hacked off his limb and sold it to witchdoctors for $5,000. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850n) Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850j) Mwigulu Matonange, 11, recalls the day left his arm was hacked off by a machete: "I watched them wrap my arm in dirty cloths and disappear into the bushes" Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850ao) Mwigulu Matonange, 11, recalls the day left his arm was hacked off by a machete: "I watched them wrap my arm in dirty cloths and disappear into the bushes" Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850k) Kabula Ngarango. Aged just 12 Kabula was sleeping next to her mother when she lost her hand. Despite her injuries, she says that she dreams of becoming a lawyer so she can protect others who suffer from albinism. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850v) Kabula Ngarango. Aged just 12 Kabula was sleeping next to her mother when she lost her hand. Despite her injuries, she says that she dreams of becoming a lawyer so she can protect others who suffer from albinism. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850l) Kulwa Lusana, 17, had her hands cut off in 2001. During the attack, she recognized one of the perpetrators: her uncle. "I didn't feel any pain when they cut my hands off," she claims. "But once they left, the pain became so intense I started screaming uncontrollably." Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850m) Pendo Serengema,16, survived an attack in her home. One man held her down, a second used a machete to hack off her arm, and a third stood guard to prevent any rescue attempt. "It was the second machete blow that separated my arm right just below the elbow," she recounts. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850u) Emmanuel Festo and Pendo Serengema sat together at the Under The Same Sun house Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850i) Emmanuel Festo, 14, survived a brutal machete attack in 2007. His four attackers hacked off his arm above the elbow and also removed the fingers on his remaining hand. Emmanuel also lost 4 teeth and wounded his tongue. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850aj) Emmanuel Festo, 14, survived a brutal machete attack in 2007. His four attackers hacked off his arm above the elbow and also removed the fingers on his remaining hand. Emmanuel also lost 4 teeth and wounded his tongue. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850x) At 32 years old, Mariam is also an albino and a second mother to them. She survived a machete attack in 2008 during which she lost both of her hands. That day, Mariam also lost the life of her unborn child. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850av) Mariam's sister Jenipher Staford is 16. She stayed in the forest for two weeks after Mariam was attacked for fear that she was next. Shortly thereafter she was placed under the protection of Under The Same Sun in Dar Es Salaam. She is the only one in the house not to have been attacked. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850ai) Adam Robert, 14, was attacked with a machete. He was left with multiple wounds including three severed fingers. Adam survived and told police that his father, stepmother, older brother, and another male relative were involved in this criminal act. Сусідів confirmed his testimony and all the perpetrators were заарештував. "I can never go home to my family," he says. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850ak) Tanzania, East Africa, Dar es Salaam, albinos teens and children with albinism at under the same sun house Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850b) Two albino children look at the computer Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850am) Albino children play in the sand Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer " s permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850z) Two albino children playing in a swimming pool Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania, - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino where children, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck. As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate. Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and відвідали a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

Категория: Здоровье